Normally I'm not one for devotional books. I don't know... I find them too bite sized or something. I have found the exception, however, in Devotions for Sacred Parenting by Gary Thomas. It was a Christmas gift, a year of weekly devotions for parents. I'm 7 weeks into it and I am enjoying it so much I don't want to wait a whole week until I read the next chapter. It is not predictable like most devotional books, and I find myself actually thinking when I read it. Always a good thing.
I say this because it's Thursday and I read it on Thursdays. Thursdays are kind of an easy day for me. Scott's gone most of the day (it's a heavy day for him), and I end up not cooking, just putting on some leftovers or sandwiches for the kids for supper. Like I usually do on Thursdays, I spent my morning, after cleaning up breakfast, sweeping & mopping, with a cup of tea, catching up on my Bible reading (I'm reading the Bible in a year again this year, but
inevitably once a week I have two or three chapters to catch up on) and reading other books I have on the go. I usually have a good cup of tea, but since I'm out of Red Rose (again) this morning I had a very mediocre cup of tea, so it wasn't quite as enjoyable.
Also today I've been sporting a pair of bunny ears all morning. Not that it's really my preference

, but Avery decided we should be Avery bunny and Mommy bunny. And I've found myself hopping everywhere. (mopping is harder when you can only hop!) Interestingly enough, today's devotional reading was about how parenting is a season of sacrifice. If my only sacrifice for my children today is hopping like a bunny while I do my housework, then I'd have it easy!
Hey Elisa!
Sooooo good to hear from you. I've been my usual slacker self with regards to staying in touch - sorry. You've inspired me to update my blog (will try to do so within the next week :) I'm living in Fort Langley BC, in the middle of house renovations and we've just put the internet on - so I guess I have no excuse now. I look forward to your future blogs and I'll give you a call soon to catch up properly. Lots of hugs and kisses to the whole family ... Love Rana.
The bunny ears part brought tears to my eyes. Bailey and I were just talking about how much you had changed since you were a teen. You are such a good mother. We continue to hold out hope that Todd will likewise mature in a similar fashion.
Oh, and by the way, I put a couple of Red Rose tea bags in with your license. Finally made it to Driver Licensing just before closing time today. I trust that God will ensure they both get to you in record time so that you can continue your devotions with a GOOD cup of tea.
I have actually been felling guilty the last few mornings (since I read your post). I have a cup of tea with my devotions as well and usually only have time for one cup (a Red Rose tea bag will nicely make two cups).
Yes, parenting sure does involve a lot of sacrifice. Sometimes it feels like a very long season, too.
Glad that the book is worthwhile!
Eeep! Was I really that bad?! Really though, there's nothing like having your own kids to make you grow up in a hurry.
No need to feel guilty, Lyndon. You enjoy your Red Rose. I will enjoy my horchata... and we'll keep each other supplied;)
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