That's what I am right now...
desvelada. It's the Spanish word for sleep deprived. This because I was up until 3:00 last night designing the youth camp pamphlet with buggy software. We only received the information we needed yesterday and it needed to be ready for today so it has been a very last minute project. But to make things even better, Scott called me from the stationary store this morning saying the copies are not coming out clear so I'm back at the computer now, printing out 100 pamphlets (that need to be ready withing the hour, I might add) on a temperamental printer that has decided it will randomly fold down one
corner of the paper as it feeds it out. At least it's generally cooperating today. I should be thankful for small blessings.
Now that I have that off my chest, let's get on to more pleasant topics... aren't my children adorable? Lauren & Ezra look so good every morning when they leave for school. When they get home it is entirely another matter, of course... then I wonder why do they mak
e them wear white? The picture of Avery is taken after Lauren dressed her up as a bride (but why is she holding a baby?) Lauren & Avery are wont to disappear for long periods of time only to reappear entirely transformed. Avery has t

he abilit

y to stay in character all day long. In fact, just the other day she was pretending she was Bibble, a round & fluffly flying pet from the Barbie Mermaidia movie who speaks only in high-pitched unintelligible speech. (charming at first perhaps but after all day, let me tell you...) I had to laugh at the end of the day as I was putting her to bed when she sighed and said, intelligibly this time, "Bibble is tired!"
Well, the rest of the pamphlets have printed off without incident... I'm off to fold them now. Ah, the glamour of being a youth pastor's wife! Actually, I enjoy doing this kind of thing. What I
don't enjoy is doing it
at the last minute.
For those of you who like to leave comments... you'll notice I've added a word verification step... you can blame it on the person who's been spamming my site! Not appreciated! I'd love it if you kept on commenting, though.
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