I have a Peeping Tom. His name is Sebastian. Now that school is out for the summer and Sebastian seems to be old enough in his parents estimation (he must be 5 or 6) to spend large blocks of time alone on the street, I find him very often standing on our front sidewalk looking in. Maybe that wouldn't be so bad if there was a yard between the sidewalk and the front wall of our house. But since it's Mexico, and since our house is built directly touching the sidewalk, and since my kitchen counters line the front wall under the street-facing windows, this means I am often working in my kitchen with my face only two feet from Sebastians! And I'm a little uncomfortable with being watched.
Last week this behaviour reached its most annoying level. We were hosting our small group and while the kids ate and played in the patio, the adults were enjoying supper in our kitchen. Sebastian apparently had nothing better to do than to stand at the window and talk to himself very loudly as he likes to do. I tried to send him away, "Lauren & Ezra have company right now. Why don't you come back tomorrow?" Scott tried to send him away, "Sebastian, go away. Sebastian, leave us alone." And finally I actually had to close the windows and blinds in his face in order for us to be able to resume our conversation!
I'm not sure what our house will look like in August, but I'm expecting that this sort of thing won't happen. Speaking of houses in August... we finally have a place to live. We only just found out today that there is still room at Briercrest for our family and even our dog. Since Scott told me the news this morning I have been breathing a whole lot easier. We had been praying for a place on campus and God has provided it for us.